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An Epic Weekend and Chemo Round 51

Before I tell you about Chemo Round 51, I absolutely must recap the weekend before Chemo Round 51. It was certainly one for the books, and all the fun I had carried me on a wave of awesomeness into my next treatment.

On Saturday, I had my official celebration of completing 50 – as in 5-0 – rounds of chemo. I ran errands all around town, picking up food and drink , and got home just in time to hang the most important decorations (pictures of me taken before each round of chemo – 50 pictures to hang all over the house!). The night was a blast – I DJed a mini-set (all of my favorite hip hop jams which made it so fun), hung out with good friends, toured friends who hadn’t yet seen the house around my pad (and made them smell the leaves of my tomato, rosemary, and mint plants in my garden), and generally had a blast. The coolest part of the party had to be the photobooth my buddy/filmmaker extraordinaire Jordan set up. All of us took some pretty incredible pictures, and I got to get shots with all of my favorite people. You know what? I’ll add the pictures to the photo gallery here on the blog so you can check them all out. You can check them out here:

On Sunday, Jordan and I had some pretty sneaky plans for Will and my friend Stoney. Stoney’s birthday was on Sunday, and Will’s was just yesterday (the 24th), so we figured we’d plan something epic for both of them to enjoy. So that’s what we did. We blindfolded them and took them to Universal Citywalk, home of the iFly indoor skydiving facility. And we did indoor skydiving. After that, we grabbed some delicious sushi, then we grabbed some sinful candy at the gigantic candy store across the street, and after that, we watched 42 at the Imax theaters over at Citywalk. Then we went home, watched the DVD of our skydiving video, and looked through all the pictures. As you can see in the picture featured here, I wasn’t nervous or apprehensive during my indoor skydiving adventure: I was focused and poised. And we all had a blast.

Rolling into Norris on Monday morning was just a continuation of the fun. I had a blast showing Dr. Lenz our video from skydiving and infusion was nice and smooth. The rest of the week went fine – a pesky headache that came and went on Tuesday and Wednesday, then my trusty Thursday bounce back. I did what I could to stay hydrated, including getting fluids at Norris on Wednesday, and took it easy with plenty of naps. All in all, I emerged out of Round 51 unscathed, for which I am incredibly grateful.

I’ve got tons of work to do for The Wunder Project, so I’m sprinkling this Memorial Day weekend with plenty of fun but also plenty of focus. After all, cancer doesn’t take holiday weekends off, and neither do I.

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