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Chemo: Round Three

Round Three of Chemo got off to an incredible start. Woke up, checked my email, and saw that Coach K had sent me a message. Could this be the best possible way for a lifetime Cameron Crazie to begin his or her day? Yes, I think so. Was inspired to ditch the Rocky shirt for today and wear the Duke Basketball shirt that Coach K had sent over a couple of weeks ago. I think it's pretty becoming on me.  

Got to USC Norris a little late, but rocked out to some special pre-chemo music (post about my cancer-beating theme song to follow) on the way there. Filled a few vials with my blood (and a little cup with my pee pee), scarfed down an egg salad sandwich (my favorite chemo meal), and had an awesome meeting with Dr. Lenz. 

The chemo itself went great. It seems like the time I spend for my treatments is getting quicker and quicker. Part of it because chemo is actually getting quicker -- one of my drugs (Avastin) is administered over 90 minutes for the first treatment, then 60, then 30, so I've cut my chemo time down from five and a half hours to four and a half. 

But there's something else, too. I'm in the zone.

In other words, I'm getting really, really comfortable with the process, which goes like this: I start off with a Benadryl-induced nap, wake up and eat more egg salad, hit the bathroom a lot for what we commonly call "Number One," chill out with my parents and Will (today, my OMM mentor (Carla) and my OMM partner in crime (Tim) visited me, which was awesome), do a bit of emailing and Facebook posting, and, before I know it, I'm detached from the machine, hooked up to my bag o' chemo, and ready to roll.

After chemo, as I've done for almost three weeks now, I suited up for the gym and pumped some iron. I had a great workout and, while I made my back and biceps burn, noticed that I felt particularly awesome. As in, no mild headache, no tiredness, not any physical indication that my body wasn't anything but totally content and rarin' to go. Post-gym, I went shopping at Trader Joe's for some healthy, yummy food -- and continued to feel particularly awesome. Had dinner -- pasta (made from brown rice), turkey meat sauce, and some other delicious gluten-free ravioli -- and still felt particularly awesome. 

What is this all about? I'm sure my preparation had something to do with it. I'm sure the ol' body is getting used to this chemo business, and that has something to do with it. I'm sure the email from Coach K had something to do with it. I'm sure my workouts have something to do with it. And I'm sure all the support I'm getting from family and friends (including you, my wonderful readers) have something to do with it. 

But I REALLY believe that Seattle has something to do with it. Post on my outrageously great day in Seattle to follow.

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